A baby girl cries alone, only because a common cold murdered her HIV infected parents. She is one of sixteen babies infected with HIV daily. We are inviting you to be part of a theatric precedent that will change this vicious cycle. This is the first one man show to touch the world in such a way. If you attend, sponsor or donate to this historic show, you are supporting a successful intervention to this life-altering epidemic.
The show stars Devin T. Robinson X. His award winning talent has been seen on MTV, Fox, NBC, CBS, BET, Apollo, HIV Plus magazine and Seventeen Magazine. (ROBINSONX.com) From Johannesburg (South Africa), Qatar (Middle East) to several parts of the Caribbean, his talent is enjoyed worldwide.
His work is adaptable to church, high school and college audiences. He is on a crusade to save lives. Without a doubt he is found to be one of the most effective educators in our era. This is why his one-man show was made for the masses.
The name of the show is “God, Me…HIV?” (Just blame yourself). It displays seven different ways the virus can be spread without using vulgarity or religiosity. The beauty of this show is in the creation. It does not push people to use condoms, unprotected sex or abstinence. It just gives facts and consequences. When you push people to think, they will have a better chance of making the right decision. There is no pressure or lecture; you are just watching a funny and theatrical performance while being educated.
Every 9 minutes someone is infected with HIV, with your help we can strive to cut it to 0, one day. Support this young man's movement.